Monday, 29 November 2010

Leslie Nielsen deserves better - An open letter to the makers of 'Vampires Suck'

Hello guys,

Today, a comedian has died. A legend. A true master of his domain.

Never has a straightman been so funny.

The spoof genre is not too be taken lightly and isn't, as you seem to believe, easy to do. Though if anyone has ever seen any of your films (Ive had the misfortune to see a small part of 'Date Movie' and made an attempt at watching 'Epic Movie', ya know, to try and give you the benefit of the doubt. There was no benefit to be had from watching your film. To anyone) it will be evident how difficult it is to create both a quality spoof and genuinely funny slapstick. Simply taking cheesy moments from already bad films and multiplying them 100 times doesn't make it funny - Id rather watch the original film and take the piss out of it myself.

My point is, I don't want kids growing up, seeing the 'Naked Gun' films or 'Police Squad' or 'Wrongfully Accused' or 'Dracula: Dead And Loving It' or 'Spy Hard', enjoying them and, through some misguided genre link, being directed towards one of your travesties. It isn't fair, on them to watch them and for you to piggyback on someone else's good work and creativity.

So I propose you immediately cease production on any currect projects you have and promise never to darken the cinema with one of your 'comedies' ever again. Also, you take the profits from your films and donate them to Jim Abrahams and David and Jerry Zucker, to allow them to find both an actor who can do the form justice and to produce something worthy of film lovers time.

If you've ever laughed simply from the look on Leslie Nielsen's face, then you'll understand. Do the right thing.

The King is dead. Long live the King.


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